Math 141a Mathematical logic I (Fall 2018)
Instructor: Sebastien Vasey
Office: Science Center 321H
Email: sebv (at) math (dot) harvard (dot) edu
Office hours: Th 2h30PM-4PM, SC 321H
Lectures: MF 12PM-1h15PM, SC 310
Course assistant: David Stoner
Email: dstoner (at) college
Office hours: Tuesday 4-5PM, SC 530
Canvas page (for administrivia, hw solutions)
Latest news / Announcements
- August 13, 2018: This webpage is online, hurray! Please read the syllabus.
- September 6, 2018: This week, I will hold office hours on Thursday 5-6PM in SC 321H.
- September 28, 2018: Please welcome our new course assistant, David Stoner!
- October 5, 2018: The take home midterm exam will be handed out on October 15, 2018 and due back two days later. More information.
- October 5, 2018: Office hours on Thursday, October 11 will be held by David from 2h30pm to 4pm in the math lounge.
- October 12, 2018: I will hold additional office hours today, 4-5PM in SC 321H.
- November 20, 2018: The take home last exam will be handed out on December 3, 2018 and due back two days later. More information.
Main course reference
All the exams, including solutions, are now on Canvas.
Will be posted here.
- Assignment 1 (due Friday, September 14). Latex source.
- Assignment 2 (due Friday, September 21). Latex source. Last updated on Monday, September 17 (in problem 3, gamma has to be at least 2).
- Assignment 3 (due Friday, September 28). Latex source. Last updated on Friday, September 28 (in problem 1(a), lambda should be infinite; also fixed a small mistake in the definition of a generic graph - this shouldn't impact your solution).
- Assignment 4 (due Friday, October 5). Latex source.
- Assignment 5 (due Friday, October 12). Latex source.
- Assignment 6 (due Monday, October 22). Latex source.
- Assignment 7 (due Friday, October 26). Latex source.
- Assignment 8 (due Friday, November 2). Latex source.
- Assignment 9 (due Friday, November 9). Latex source. Last updated on Nov. 6 (fixed some typos).
- Assignment 10 (due Friday, November 16). Latex source. Last updated on Nov. 15 (minor typo fixed).
- Assignment 11 (due Friday, November 30). Latex source. Note that you only have to do five of the problems.
Assignment solutions are posted regularly on Canvas.
Reading assignments
Other course documents
Other resources
- If you need a refresher on the very basics (proofs, relations, functions, injection, surjections, bijections, etc.), my Concepts of Mathematics lecture notes (taken from a class I taught in 2014 at Carnegie Mellon University) could be helpful.
- For logic generally:
- Herbert B. Enderton, A mathematical introduction to logic, 2nd ed., Academic Press, 2001.
- Kenneth Kunen, The foundations of mathematics, College publications, 2009.
- For set theory:
- Karel Hrbacek and Thomas Jech, Introduction to set theory, 3rd ed., Marcel Dekker, 1999.
- Kenneth Kunen, Set theory, revised ed., College publications, 2011.
- For model theory:
- C.C. Chang and H. Jerome Keisler, Model theory, 3rd ed., Dover, 2012.
- Gerald H. Sacks, Saturated model theory, 2nd ed., World Scientific, 2009.
- For nonstandard analysis:
- Robert Goldblatt, Lectures on the Hyperreals. Springer-Verlag, 1998.
- Mark McKinzie and Curtis Tuckey, Higher Trigonometry, Hyperreal Numbers, and Euler's Analysis of Infinities. Mathematics Magazine 74, no. 5 (Dec., 2001), pp. 339-368.
- H. Jerome Keisler, Elementary Calculus: An Infinitesimal Approach, 3rd ed., Dover, 2012.
- Karel Hrbacek, Olivier Lessmann, and Richard O'Donovan. Analysis with ultrasmall numbers. CRC Press, 2015.
- Other references:
- A metareference: Teach yourself logic is a book listing references on logic.
- Maryanthe Malliaris' survey article on some recent research in model theory, from a general mathematical point of view.
- Douglas R. Hofstadter, Gödel, Escher, Bach: an eternal golden braid, Basic books, 1999. (a book about computability and logic for a general audience).