Math 145a Set theory I (Fall 2019)

Instructor: Sebastien Vasey
Office: Science Center 321H
Email: sebv (at) math (dot) harvard (dot) edu
Office hours: Monday, 4-5pm (SC 321H)
Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 12-1h15PM, SC 310

Canvas page (for administrivia)

Do not forget to evaluate the class on the Q!

Latest news / Announcements

Course notes

Can be downloaded here: Lecture Notes (Last updated Nov. 18, 2019).

Note that these notes are a work in progress and will be updated often throughout the term. Please only print the sections currently being covered in class: the later sections will probably be changed extensively.

Please send me any mistakes or typos you find, or any other comments you may have.

Reading assignments

Unless noted otherwise, the section numbers refer to the course notes.



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