Math 155r Combinatorics (Fall 2019)

Instructor: Sebastien Vasey
Office: Science Center 321H
Email: sebv (at) math (dot) harvard (dot) edu

Course assistant: George Han (hanz (at) college)

Lectures: Tuesday and Thursday, 10h30AM-11h45AM (SC 222)

Canvas page (for administrivia)

Do not forget to evaluate the class on the Q!

Office hours and problem session

George will have office hours on Friday, Dec. 6, at a time to be announced. No other office hours are scheduled. Enjoy your break!

Latest news / Announcements

  • The last exam will be a 48 hours take home from Dec. 3 to Dec. 5. More information about the last exam.
  • Reading assignments

    Unless noted otherwise, chapter and section numbers are from Matoušek and Nešetřil, Invitation to discrete mathematics, 2nd ed., Oxford University Press 2008.



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