.. default-role:: literal Copyright on svasey.org ======================= Philosophy ---------- Believe it or not, today you *cannot* copy most of the content on the web without prior approval of its author. You risk getting sued if you do not obtain his blessing. That is why I need this page to tell you I give up all my so-called "rights" and will let you copy whatever you which for any purpose whatsoever. A more carefully worded declaration is below. If it bothers you that this page should even exist, check out Richard Stallman's essay `The Right to Read`_. .. _The Right to Read: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/right-to-read.html General conditions ------------------ Excepted the content listed below, I hereby release all the content of `http://svasey.org` in the public domain. I grant anyone the right to use it for any purpose, without any conditions. This means that you can copy, change and publish, for commercial purpose or not, any content on this website. This does not exempt you from being polite: please give me proper credit when due, e.g by mentioning my name and linking to my webpage. Thank-you emails are also appreciated. If you change some of my software, please consider `sharing back`_ your changes with me and the community at large. .. _sharing back: http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/philosophy.html Exceptions ---------- Some content on this site is clearly marked as copyrighted, either because it is the work of someone else, or because it is joint work I have done with somebody not sharing my opinions on copyright. Most often, it will still be released under a copyleft license. Below is a list of the copyrighted content on my website. CG4 Image ######### The image of the planetary globule CG4 on http://svasey.org/ is copyright T.A. Rector/University of Alaska Anchorage, T. Abbott and NOAO/AURA/NSF. See `the original source`_ for the full copying conditions. .. _the original source: http://www.noao.edu/image_gallery/html/im1000.html Kinonk ###### Kinonk_ is free software distributed under the `GNU General Public License, version 2`_. See the release tarball for the full copying conditions. .. _Kinonk: http://kinonk.sourceforge.net/ .. _GNU General Public License, version 2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html Deep Pink ######### `Deep Pink`_ is free software distributed under the `MIT License`_. See the release tarball for the full copying conditions. .. _Deep Pink: projects/deeppink_en.html .. _MIT License: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php