.. default-role:: literal Darwrap ======= Description ----------- Darwrap is a backup program using Dar_. It can be used to automate your backup to a local hard drive, a remote filesystem (using rsync_), or even `Amazon S3`_. Differential backup, cryptographic signing and encryption are supported. .. _Dar: http://dar.linux.free.fr/ .. _Amazon S3: http://aws.amazon.com/s3/ .. _rsync: http://rsync.samba.org/ Features -------- * Supports archive encryption and signing * Can add redundancy using `parchive`_ * Supports differential backups using the tower of Hanoi rotation scheme * The backup process can easily be interrupted and resumed * Completely automated restoration * Released in the Public Domain .. _parchive: http://parchive.sourceforge.net/ News ---- January 3rd 2012 ################ Fixed a bug in the `rsync` destination type that would occur with large backups. July 1st 2011 ############# Added the `rsync` destination type to allow remote backups with rsync and SSH. April 6th 2010 ############## * The user can now prevent a backup process from running. * The user can now kill a backup process. * Faster process management code. February 8th 2010 ################# * Added support for cryptographic signing of backup archives. * Can now pass options to `gpg` from the configuration file. February 4th 2010 ################# Initial release. Download -------- Darwrap is available both as a Pacman_ package (x86_64 only), or in source form. For source or Pacman installation, please refer to the `Generic download and install instructions`_. * `Latest source tarball`_ * `PGP signature`_ .. _Pacman: http://www.archlinux.org/pacman/ .. _Generic download and install instructions: download-install-doc_en.html .. _Latest source tarball: ../public-repo.svasey.org/src/darwrap.tar.gz .. _PGP signature: ../public-repo.svasey.org/src/darwrap.tar.gz.sig Documentation ------------- See the `darwrap documentation page`_. .. _darwrap documentation page: darwrap-doc_en.html