Sebastien Vasey's Projects
Here are some things I have worked (or am currently working) on.
Projects done at EPFL
- My bachelor thesis, Synthesis for Rational Linear Arithmetic investigates synthesis of code fragments from specifications written in the language of linear rational arithmetic.
System administration programs
I occasionally enjoy writing software to automate some non-trivial system administration tasks. These should work on any UNIX-like OS.
Game programs
I like devising strategies for obscure board games, and then implement them. Here are two of my creations (joint work with Yann Schoenenberger) .
- Kinonk is a Pentominoes engine written in C++.
- Deep Pink is a Connect 5 (Gomoku) engine written in C++.
Software usage notes
- How to do X with program Y: Notes to myself, most often giving the exact command line invocation to do something special with a given software. Maybe they can be useful to somebody else...
- Old stuff: Things I have worked on, and published here at some point, but now do not regard as especially interesting or inspiring.