.. default-role:: literal Old Stuff ========= Software -------- * Some scripts working together to `make your computer play some music when it boots`_. * `Autonet`_ is a simple, quick and dirty network manager. * Simplewp_ compiles a full static website from simple reStructuredText_ files. * `python-svlib`_: Some utility functions a lot of my programs use * svbluetooth_: Scripts to do some bluetooth file transfer with my mobile phone * svrst_: Customized reStructuredText_ builders to be able to write math equations in Latex. * svmonitor_: Manage and run some tests on your system * s3archive_: Backup the files you store on Amazon S3. * with-tsocks_: Wrapper script to "socksify" and make its network traffic go through an SSH tunnel. * `Openconnect helpers`_: Wrapper script around openconnect_ to easily connect to a VPN Network. * List2pkg_ is a simple script to create Slackware packages from lists of files (useful mainly in conjunction with Urpkg_). .. _List2pkg: list2pkg/index_en.html .. _Urpkg: ../urpkg/index_en.html .. _Autonet: autonet_en.html .. _Simplewp: simplewp_en.html .. _reStructuredText: http://docutils.sourceforge.net/rst.html .. _make your computer play some music when it boots: wakeup_en.html .. _python-svlib: python-svlib_en.html .. _svbluetooth: svbluetooth_en.html .. _svrst: svrst_en.html .. _svmonitor: svmonitor_en.html .. _s3archive: s3archive_en.html .. _with-tsocks: with-tsocks_en.html .. _Openconnect helpers: openconnect-helpers_en.html .. _openconnect: http://www.infradead.org/openconnect/ Technical Articles ------------------ * `Cryptography and Privacy`_: Why you need to use cryptography to communicate on the Internet. .. _Cryptography and Privacy: crypto_en.html