.. default-role:: literal List2pkg ======== Description ----------- List2pkg is a program to create Slackware_ packages in a simple way. More precisely, given a list of files, it will create a Slackware package containing these files. A user trying to install that package will see the same files installed at the same locations they were on your system. List2pkg is especially useful if you have installed a program from source and, knowing where all its files are, you want to create a slackware package to ease another installation. List2pkg was originally created to create Slackware package using urpkg_. Features -------- * Let you create Slackware packages in a very simple way * Pays special attention to file permission and ownership * Can be used with urpkg_ to create Slackware packages from source tarballs. * Fully documented. * Released in the public domain. News ---- February 4th 2010: version 1.3 ############################## * First version released into the public domain. July 27th 2008: version 1.2 ########################### * Fixed a bug in the ``doinst.sh`` creation * Correctly handle the permission of the file system root (``/``) July 8th 2008: version 1.1 ########################## Fixed a formatting bug in the manpage. July 6th 2008: version 1.0 ########################## First public release. Download -------- The latest version is 1.3: `tarball for version 1.3`_ You can still download `the other versions`_ .. _tarball for version 1.3: ../../../download.svasey.org/list2pkg/list2pkg-1_3.tar.gz .. _the other versions: ../../../download.svasey.org/list2pkg/ Documentation ------------- List2pkg has a user manual. You can read the online version with `one page for each node`_ or with `everything on one page`_ You should always refer to *that* online manual first before asking a question or reporting a bug. .. _Slackware: http://www.slackware.com .. _urpkg: ../../urpkg/index_en.html .. _one page for each node: manual/index.html .. _everything on one page: manual/index-nochunk.html