There are several ways you can contribute to urpkg. One way is to report bugs, another way is to help writing documentation (or correct the existing one. I think there is already a fair number of English mistakes in that document :-) ). You could also try writing patches implementing the features you want that are not yet in urpkg. Also, simply asking questions (that are not answered within this manual) is a great way to participate.
Whatever you decide to do, please send the content to sebastien dot
vasey at gmail dot com
Urpkg also has a webpage. See the urpkg webpage for the most up to date information.
So you have found a bug ? Great ! Please report it to me. But before doing that, ensure that...
The bug still exists in the latest version of urpkg
You are able to reproduce the bug.
When you report a bug, you should always, if possible
Include information on how to reproduce the bug
Include as verbose as possible output from your program. This means
running urpkg with the --debug
switch if possible.
Include the versions of urpkg on which the bug applies
(use --version
Include the output of urpkg