On categoricity in successive cardinals

This is the title of a talk given at the Harvard Logic seminar on February 4, 2019.


The upward Löwenheim-Skolem theorem says that any first-order theory with an infinite model has arbitrarily large models. Such a result completely completely breaks down when we start looking at infinitary logics. In this case, one can still ask what properties of small models imply the existence of larger models.

One of the simplest such property is categoricity (the existence of a unique model of a fixed cardinality). In that direction, Shelah proved the remarkable result that an Lω1, ω sentence categorical in ω0 and ω1 has a model of cardinality ω2. Generalizations of this result have been key motivating questions for the development of a classification theory of infinitary logics, and also have also yielded some interesting set theory. We will survey some old results as well as recent developments.
