

List2pkg is a program to create Slackware packages in a simple way. More precisely, given a list of files, it will create a Slackware package containing these files. A user trying to install that package will see the same files installed at the same locations they were on your system.

List2pkg is especially useful if you have installed a program from source and, knowing where all its files are, you want to create a slackware package to ease another installation.

List2pkg was originally created to create Slackware package using urpkg.


  • Let you create Slackware packages in a very simple way
  • Pays special attention to file permission and ownership
  • Can be used with urpkg to create Slackware packages from source tarballs.
  • Fully documented.
  • Released in the public domain.


February 4th 2010: version 1.3

  • First version released into the public domain.

July 27th 2008: version 1.2

  • Fixed a bug in the creation
  • Correctly handle the permission of the file system root (/)

July 8th 2008: version 1.1

Fixed a formatting bug in the manpage.

July 6th 2008: version 1.0

First public release.


The latest version is 1.3: tarball for version 1.3

You can still download the other versions


List2pkg has a user manual. You can read the online version with one page for each node or with everything on one page

You should always refer to that online manual first before asking a question or reporting a bug.